Our address information:
Erik Rörsch & Partners, Minicitiist - Hazenboslaan 39 - 2343 SW Oegstgeest - The Netherlands
Tel mobile: + 31 6 24 24 22 24 / +30 69 408 39096 or fixed: +31 71 7851172
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Please download our company brochure here
Latest news; our partner Erik Rörsch received a reward from Aiaintis, the cooperation of 23 Greek cities. See: Youtube-Aiantis
Model Production:
Model production for Miniature Cities, Museums and private people
Michel Dubois has been producing models for outdoor
and indoor use for the past 35 years.
Our clients are miniature cities,
private people and museums.
We can produce models in scales varying
between 1:10 and 1:50 (metric), suitable for outdoor and indoor use.
Just one of many many models made by Michel Dubois