Our address information:
Erik Rörsch & Partners, Minicitiist - Hazenboslaan 39 - 2343 SW Oegstgeest - The Netherlands
Tel mobile: + 31 6 24 24 22 24 / +30 69 408 39096 or fixed: +31 71 7851172
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Please download our company brochure here
Latest news; our partner Erik Rörsch received a reward from Aiaintis, the cooperation of 23 Greek cities. See: Youtube-Aiantis
The Book:
Lilliput in Arcadia
Model Village to Miniature City.
Almost 100 years of
evolution in preparation by Stephen Levrant, RIBA, AA Dip, Dip Cons
(AA), IHBC, FRSA with assistance from Erik Rörsch, minicitiist.
We have been preparing a book, for the last two years, about the
development from a Model Village to a Miniature City. We have prepared a
list of about 150 existing and disappeared projects. We are still
looking for unknown projects and more important any information
available of any project.
If you have brochures, old and new pictures, or even original and newer
designs please contact us by e-mail, fax or phone. Feel free to contact
us in English, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish orr French.
Heritage Architecture, Mr. Stephen Levrant
296 West End Lane, West Hampstead, London NW6 1LN, ENGLAND
fax: + 44 171 794 9712, phone: + 44 020 7435 7502, e-mail:
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Erik Rörsch, Minicitiist , Hazenboslaan 39, 2343SW Oegstgeest, The Netherlands
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, TEL: +31 6 24 24 22 24
Chamber of Commerce Leiden: 28085124 VAT nr.049307368