Our address information:
Erik Rörsch & Partners, Minicitiist - Hazenboslaan 39 - 2343 SW Oegstgeest - The Netherlands
Tel mobile: + 31 6 24 24 22 24 / +30 69 408 39096 or fixed: +31 71 7851172
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Please download our company brochure here
Latest news; our partner Erik Rörsch received a reward from Aiaintis, the cooperation of 23 Greek cities. See: Youtube-Aiantis
The Company:
The Company and it's partners:
Erik Rörsch, Minicitiist and Partners is first of all a designing and consultancy company for all kinds of tourism related projects. One of our specialities is Miniature Cities. We prepare feasibility studies, design and supervise projects of all kinds, as long as they are tourism related.
cooperate closely with four other companies:
- Since 1982 we have
worked closely with Swissminiatur sa. This is the Swiss miniature
city, which is 50 years old and is located at the Lake of Lugano.
- For
20 years we have worked very closely with Michel Dubois-Septier, one
of the best modelmakers in Europe since 1978. He has a considerable
international experience in all kinds of different models in many different scales and using different materials.
- For 18
years we have worked with the company of Christiaan Kruis. His company has over forty years of
international experience in designing of all kinds of projects. These
include waterfronts to Zoos, World Fairs, small diorama's and
fantastic Miniature Cities.
- Since 2013 we are working together with EFTI- specialised in Tourism development plan making.
- Since many years we work together with Pieter Krant, now located in Hong Kong:
ACL Design. Architecture, City and Landscape Design.